Marion Manigo


Marion Manigo is a certified Life Coach specializing in coaching single parents. Her coaching practice extends throughout the N.E. and S.E. United States. Marion has a BA in Sociology from Queens College of the City University of New York and was a MA/Ph.D. candidate at the The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her academic research explored how outsourcing of white-collar jobs in the age of globalization impacted women entering the U.S. workforce. She presented her research to the American Sociological Society, UC Berkeley. She was profiled in US News & World Report, Good Housekeeping, and Readers’ Digest 75th Anniversary Issue for her career management skills, her divorce survival story has been written in It Takes Money, Honey by Georgette Mosbacher. Marion is the author of the forthcoming book, You – The Chooser: Single Parenting from your Highest Self.
