"Habanastation," by Ian Padrón / Chile and Cuba / 2011 / 95mins / Drama, Fantasy / Spanish
Habanastation depicts a view of everyday Cuban life through the eyes of Mayito, a young boy whose wealthy jazz pianist father showers him with the latest PlayStation games. Accustomed to being driven to school with a TV in the car, he is the epitome of the successful student who does everything proper and usually receives whatever he wants. When he gets lost during the May Day Celebration in Revolution Square, he finds himself in a poorer neighborhood outside Havana, where a fellow schoolmate, Carlos, lives. At first uncomfortable in the strange settings, he soon discovers the simple joys that Carlos and his friends experience without the latest electronic games and TV shows.
Ian Padrón
During this annual series, AFF presents free programs throughout NYC, in public venues and city parks, including screenings of African cinema and family-friendly events such as the annual Family Day Celebration on Governors Island. Learn More