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Thomas Sankara, The Human

Sankara’s Orphans

El Maestro Laba Sosseh

Shorts Program: Omnipresence

The Last Shelter

Simply Black

Jom, The Story of a People

2022 Festival

Jom by Ababacar Samb-Makharam

“Jom” is a Wolof word which has no equivalent neither in French nor in English. “Jom” means dignity, courage, respect … It is the origin of all virtues. It somehow means

Fanon: Yesterday, Today Review

Fanon: Yesterday, Today. Directed by Hassane Mezine. France/Algeria, 2018. 87 mins. French. In 2009, during my second year as a grad student at Brown University, Angela Davis came to deliver a

Interview with Helen Rose Cosmetics

Helen Rose products are vegan and free from tree nut derived ingredients. How do these benefit the skin?   All of the Helen Rose products are not tree-nut ingredient free, but

2022 Schedule

2022 Venues

Opening Night Film: Freda

Opening Night Celebration

Centerpiece Night Film: Tug of War

Shorts Program: Through the New York Lens

African Voices in Changing Climates: Post-Production and Social Impact Cinema

Above Water / Marcher sur l’eau

Mzansi Shorts

Simply Black

The Sun Rises in the East + Precious Hair & Beauty

Abderrahmane Sissako, un cinéaste à l’Opéra + Shaka – iNkosi Yamakhosi


Tug of War + Notre mémoire



The Sun Rises in the East + Precious Hair & Beauty

The Gravedigger’s Wife

Juju Stories

For Maria Ebun Pataki

Art + Activism: Personal and Collective Freedoms

Shorts Program: Freedom Songs

Shorts Program: Time Embodied in Hue, Poetry, and Bold Imagery

10 Songs for Charity


When Women Speak

2022 Films

Abu Saddam

FilmAfrica (Traveling Series) Shorts