Search Results for: остров проклятых ⚪ОСТРОВ ПРОКЛЯТЫХ 〘ОСТРОВ ПРОКЛЯТЫХ 〙 нам есть о чем поговорить мой сайт 

Haffner, Claude

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Footprints of My Other [Noire ici, blanche là-bas] (2013).

You Laugh But It’s True

Meyer, David Paul

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: You Laugh But It’s True (2013, 2015).

Lalloo, Arya

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Jeppe on a Friday (2013 – Arya Lalloo, Shannon Walsh).

Walsh, Shannon

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Jeppe on a Friday (2013 – Arya Lalloo, Shannon Walsh)

Jeppe on a Friday

Sifuna Okwethu

Atuahene, Bernadette

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Sifuna Okwethu [We Want What’s Ours] (2013)

Nizza, Christopher

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Dear Mandela (2013 – Dara Kell, Christopher Nizza).

Kell, Dara

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Dear Mandela (2013 – Dara Kell, Christopher Nizza). Filmography: Indlini Yam [In My House] (2003); Dear Mandela (2012 – Dara Kell, Christopher Nizza).

Dear Mandela

Creation in Exile

Ricci, Daniela

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Creation in Exile [Imaginaires en exil – Cinq cinéastes d’Afrique se racontent] (2013).

RasTa: A Soul’s Journey

Samuels, Stuart

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: RasTa: A Soul’s Journey (2013). Filmography: Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (1993 – Arnold Glassman, Todd McCarthy, Stuart Samuels); Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies

Stanton, Fredrik

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Uprising (2013). Filmography: Uprising (2012).


Murago-Munene, Jane

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Monica Wangu Wamwere: The Unbroken Spirit (2012).

Gomis, Alain

Biography:(Sources:– AFF, Inc.– Through African Eyes – Dialogues with the Directors, BONETTI Mahen and REDDY Prerana (Editors), 2003, African Film Festival, Inc. and Printinfo JV LLC, Yerevan, Armenia, p.102)Films Shown

Bezançon, Rémi

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Zarafa (2013 – Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie)

Lie, Jean-Christophe

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Zarafa (2013 – Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie).

Vundla, Charlie

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: How to Steal 2 Million (2012); Cuckold (2016). Filmography: How to Steal 2 Million (2011); Cuckold (2015).

Martens, Ingrid

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Africa Shafted: Under One Roof (2012). Filmography: Be Amazing (Date unknown); Love Me for Me (Date unknown); Africa Shafted: Under One Roof (2011).

Woldemariam, Zelalem

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: The 11th Hour (2007); Lezare [For Today] (2012, 2013).


Monica Wangu Wamwere: The Unbroken Spirit

Tey / Aujourd’hui


How to Steal 2 Million

Black Africa, White Marble

Our Beloved Sudan

Salam Ghourba / Farewell Exile

Africa Shafted: Under One Roof

Bako, Ishaya

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Fuelling Poverty (2013).

Bodomo, Nuotama

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Boneshaker (2013); Afronauts (2014).

The First Grader

Kibinge, Judy

(Source: Through African Eyes – Conversations with the Directors – Volume 2, BONETTI Mahen and SEAG Morgan (Editors), 2010, African Film Festival, Inc. and Printinfo JV LLC, Yerevan, Armenia, p.140)

Viva Frelimo!

Yegorov, Yuri

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Viva Frelimo! (2013 – Leonid Maksimov, Yuri Yegorov).

Maksimov, Leonid

Films Shown in AFF, Inc. Programs: Viva Frelimo! (2013- Leonid Maksimov, Yuri Yegorov). Filmography: Viva Frelimo! (1971 – Leonid Maksimov, Yuri Yegorov).