Sometimes It was Beautiful


by Christian Nyampeta


Sweden, Democratic Republic of the Congo / 2018 / 37mins / Dance, Experimental / Swedish, English

A group of unlikely friends gather in a time-knot to watch and critique films made by Swedish cinematographer Sven Nykvist in the Congo between 1948 and 1952. Their discussion highlights enduring tensions surrounding social transformation, cultural property, and who has the right to representation.

About the Director

Christian Nyampeta

Christian Nyampeta is an artist living in New York from where he organizes programs, exhibitions, screenings, performances, and publications, which are conceived as hosting structures for collective feeling, cooperative thinking, and mutual action. Nyampeta convenes the Nyanza Working Group of ARAC—Another Roadmap School which participated in documenta fifteen, and he is the convener of Boda Boda Lounge 2022-2024, a trans-African film and video art festival co-initiated by Centre d’art Waza in Lubumbashi. In New York, Nyampeta convenes the African Film Institute at e-flux in Brooklyn. Learn More