by Cilia Sawadogo
Canada / 2000 / 7mins / Animation / English
This animated short for children tells the story of Christopher, a little boy who didn't want to be called Christopher anymore. Such a common name! When Aunty Gail from Trinidad tells him a story about a Tiger, Christopher changes his name to Tiger. But then he finds a better name. When he has trouble cashing a birthday cheque, he realizes maybe he should stick with his original name... or maybe not?
Cilia Sawadogo
Cilia Sawadogo studied communication, specializing in cinema animation at Concordia University in Montréal. She started her career in 1989, and made many cartoons for Sesame Street. As director, writer and animator, she has received numerous awards for films she directed at the National Film Board of Canada and independently. She made her first animated film, La femme mariée à trios hommes, in 1993. Her other animated films include L’Arrêt d’autobus, The Bus Stop and Naissance, Birth, Le Joueur de cora and Christopher Changes His Name. Sawadogo also produces video-clips, designs posters, and illustrates books. Learn More