Join AFF and The Met for a panel of established women filmmakers from the Sahel as they discuss the power of films to capture the essence of the region and its narrative tradition. Participants include Mahen Bonetti, Founder and Executive Director, African Film Festival, Inc.; Yaëlle Biro, Associate Curator, Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, The Met; Rahmatou Keïta, filmmaker; Fanta Régina Nacro, filmmaker; and Fanta Kouyaté, griot, oral historian, and storyteller. Note: Space is limited; advance registration required. Presented in collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in conjunction with the exhibition Sahel: Art and Empires on the Shores of the Sahara.
Panel discussion
Community engagement is essential to the AFF mission. We partner with a broad spectrum of arts and social justice organizations to spark discussion and activate the public around African cinema and culture. Learn More