"Chisholm '72: Unbought and Unbossed," by Shola Lynch / USA / 2004 / 76mins / Documentary / English
Join us at Jackie Robinson Park Playground for open court tennis lessons and movies for all ages.
5pm to 7pm
Open Court Tennis
with Coach Frances
8pm to 9:30pm
with AFF
During this annual series, AFF presents free programs throughout NYC, in public venues and city parks, including screenings of African cinema and family-friendly events such as the annual Family Day Celebration on Governors Island. Learn More
Anatola Araba
/ USA / 2022
/ 14mins
In a distant future, an artificial-intelligence entity inaugurated as the world’s first AI leader finds that important worldviews are missing from her database, including stories of the historically marginalized and oppressed.
Shola Lynch
/ USA / 2004
/ 76mins
This compelling documentary takes an in-depth look at the 1972 presidential campaign of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress and the first to seek nomination for the highest office in the land.