Félix Samba N’Diaye




Born in Dakar, Senegal in 1945, Félix Samba N’Diaye attended film courses at the University of Paris VII, obtaining a master's degree. He continued his studies at the Louis Lumière Institute, also in Paris, specializing in photography and editing. In Dakar, he studied ethnopsychiatry, law and economic sciences. His interests led him to turn to documentary filmmaking. He proved to be a sensitive and attentive filmmaker, committed to respecting cultures and traditions. He made about fifteen films. Among these, Gety Tey, about the living conditions in a fishing village that is subject to competition from the most modern equipped foreign boats, is one of his most notable. He passed away in November 2009 in Dakar. Biography Source


Perantal (1974)
La confrérie des Mourides (1976)
Pêcheurs de Kayar (1977)
Geti Tey (1978)
La santé, une aventure peu ordinaire (1986)
Trésors des poubelles (1989)
Teug, chaudronnerie d'art (1989)
Les malles (1989)
Les chutes de Ngalam (1989)
Diplomate à la tomate (1989)
Aqua (1989)
Ngor, l'esprit des lieux (1991)
Dakar Bamako (1992)
Amadou Diallo, un peintre sous verre (1992)
Lettre à Senghor (1998)
Nataal (2001)
Rwanda, pour mémoire (2003)

Films Curated by AFF