Jezza Neuman




Jezza Neumann is a BAFTA, Robert F. Kennedy, and Rory Peck award-winning filmmaker. Neumann’s first film as director, China’s Stolen Children, won three British Academy Awards. Since then, Neumann has made award-winning documentaries for the BBC,
Channel 4, and others about life in occupied Tibet (Undercover in Tibet), children trying to survive in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children), and child poverty in America (FRONTLINE’s Poor Kids, which was nominated for an Emmy). Neumann is a director with True Vision, a UK-based independent documentary production company.


China's Stolen Children (2007)
Undercover in Tibet (2008)
Kids, Knives & Broken Lives (2008)
Poor Kids (2011)
TB: Return of the Plague (2014)
No Place to Call Home (2015)
Surviving Sandy Hook (2015)
Kids in Camps (2015)
Catching a Killer: The Wind in the Willows Murder (2017)
Catching a Killer: A Bullet Through the Window (2017)
Dispatches (TV Series - 2010 - 2019)
Catching a Killer (TV Series - 2020)
Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children (2010)

Films Curated by AFF