"Cosmic Africa," by Craig Foster & Damon Foster / South Africa / 2002 / 72mins / Documentary / English, Bambara and Ju'hoansi
Join us for a day of adventure at the Bronx Zoo and a screening of the documentary film, Cosmic Africa. You can learn more about the film below. Your RSVP for this program will grant you free access to the Bronx Zoo for the day and then you can join us for the film screening at 2:30pm, followed by a discussion and Q&A with guest speaker, astrophysicist, cosmologist and author, Hakeem M. Oluseyi. Light drinks and snacks will be provided!
Traveling across the scope of the African continent - Namibia, Ghana, Northern Kenya, Dogon country in Mali, and the Egyptian Sahara - this film captures the remarkable personal journey of an African astronomer, Thebe Medupe. Cosmic Africa and Thebe Medupe explore Africa's ancient astronomy history, while unveiling the deep connection humans have with the cosmos.
Craig Foster
Damon Foster
During this annual series, AFF presents free programs throughout NYC, in public venues and city parks, including screenings of African cinema and family-friendly events such as the annual Family Day Celebration on Governors Island. Learn More
Community engagement is essential to the AFF mission. We partner with a broad spectrum of arts and social justice organizations to spark discussion and activate the public around African cinema and culture. Learn More